Projects from my UX Certificate and my Classroom

Design Thinking Challenge
Garland Police Department
Our class got to chose our focus which was to help the Police Liaison to the Homeless by working in groups to strategize new approaches while addressing their current and future challenges.

Investment App
Investing for the Masses
We decided to replace intimidating with intriguing and through our process, blend an aspect of investing with A.I. that focuses on the “Shark Tank” approach and helps novice investors ask the same questions as the Pro’s and add a thoughtful design to boot.

Lifesaving Storm App
FEMA: A Revitalized and Useful Storm App
I designed this class to incorporate Design Thinking and Empathy to help emphasize citizen preparation and a more robust storm response. We can use new technology and partner with big business to empower our citizens and prepare them for before, during and after the storm.